European Roundup

Sep 01 | 2015

EU urged to reduce cyclists and pedestrian deaths

A new report, published by the European transport safety council (ETSC), reveals that 7,600 cyclists and pedestrians died as the result of a road traffic accident during 2013 - the equivalent, says the Brussels-based non-government organisation (NGO), "of a commercial airliner full of passengers being lost every week".  Over the last 10 years, pedestrian and cycling deaths fell by 41 and 37 per cent respectively, while vehicle occupant deaths fell by 53 per cent. ETSC Executive Director Antonio Avenoso said, "Despite the health and environmental benefits, people who cycle and walk are not getting a fair share of improvements in road safety in Europe."

Mr Avenoso said that the EU should not shy away from mandating those changes that can save the most lives.  The group is also encouraging local authorities to introduce 30km/hour zones in residential areas and areas regularly used by pedestrians and cyclists.

LEZ News

Amsterdam will require a Euro 3 emissions standard for vans from 1 January 2017.   Rotterdam is extending the LEZ as of January 1, 2016. The size of the LEZ will increase and it will include diesel vans and cars (Euro 3) and petrol vans and cars (Euro 1). This will be tightened on January 1, 2018 to Euro 4 for diesel vehicles.

Information courtesy of CLARS.

New rules put diesel cars to the test on the road

New test procedures for diesel cars that will, for the first time, measure their ‘real world’ emissions under the Euro 6 air quality standard have been signed off by EU regulators. The new regime will see vehicles being taken out of the laboratories to be tested on roads.

The revamped procedures are intended to overcome obsolete tests and ‘cycle beating’ techniques used by car manufacturers to attain emissions levels seven to 10 times lower than actual air pollution emissions on the road. The rules were agreed with strong support from Germany and the Netherlands after the car industry had unsuccessfully pushed for them to be watered down.

Photo: 7,600 cyclists and pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents in 2013.