With effect from 5 April, 2014 employers must comply with the following:

Mar 13 | 2014

  • If you employ anyone, you must display a HSE Health and Safety Law poster, or provide each worker with a copy of the equivalent pocket card 


  • You must display the poster, which outlines British health and safety laws, where your workers can easily read it


  • The latest version of the HSE Health and Safety Law poster was published in 2009.  If you have a copy of the 1999 version, you can continue to display it or give workers the equivalent leaflet until 5 April, 2014 as long as it is readable and contains up-to-date contact details.


  • After 5 April, 2014 you must use the new versions.


Go to   http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/lawposter.htm  to obtain the new poster or pocket cards.