New organisation launched to reduce empty running throughout Europe

Jun 09 | 2016

A new organisation, MoverShip, based in Switzerland, has recently launched a new website that helps moving companies fill space on vehicles and get backloads throughout Europe.

The service aims to avoid empty running for movers and so maximize profit, reduce transit times, improve customer service and help the environment too.

The system uses Google Maps to provide a fast and easy way of identifying backloads to and from virtually anywhere in Europe.  Once you are logged in you can offer space on one of your trucks, or book your cargo on someone else’s vehicle, in just a few clicks of the mouse.  The company recognises that the key to its success is getting companies to participate and so the service is currently free to join for the first year.  Just go to for more information.

MoverShip is an online platform that is based on the spirit of carpooling but adapted for international moving companies.  The aim is to connect those with space on vehicles to available loads, simply and securely. The system displays clearly the routes and loads suggested by users of the platform including truck size, weight, volume and available loads.

Telephone customer service support is provided to guide users and help them become familiar with the platform if necessary. Video tutorials are also available on the website in multiple languages.  The platform contains a directory of partner companies each carrying a company profile with full contact details, vehicles available and the services offered. Every company that uses MoverShip is subject to review by its partner company to share everyone’s experiences and help guarantee a high quality service.  

In its initial launch phase MoverShip will be offered to the European market and translated into French, English, German and Italian. In the second phase, it is expected to expand throughout the eastern hemisphere and worldwide.
