60 MPH limit proposed for M1

Feb 20 | 2014

A consultation on a proposal to introduce a maximum mandatory speed limit as part of the planned upgrade to the M1 in South Yorkshire and the East Midlands has been published by the Highways Agency.

The Agency is proposing to implement a maximum mandatory speed limit of 60mph between Junction 28 at Mansfield and Junction 35a at Sheffield and Rotherham between 7am and 7pm, seven days a week, as part of improvements planned for the M1. The speed limit will be used to manage traffic speeds and help reduce congestion and air pollutants locally. An eight week consultation on the proposed regulations began on 6 January, and will finish on 3 March, 2014.

Environmental assessments carried out on the proposed smart motorways schemes on that section of the M1 showed there was likely to be an adverse impact on local air quality if the motorway continued to operate at the national speed limit of 70mph.

Smart motorways add extra capacity by converting the hard shoulder into a permanent running lane which is supported and controlled by variable mandatory speed limits to manage traffic and reduce congestion.

The proposed maximum mandatory speed limit would work in parallel with the variable speed limits which would be set as part of the congestion reduction measures for smart motorways.

The consultation pack has been sent to key stakeholders, such as local authorities, transport associations and emergency services. The consultation document is published on www​.gov​.uk/​g​o​v​e​r​n​m​e​n​t​/​p​u​b​l​i​c​a​t​i​ons to give other interested parties or individuals the opportunity to comment.

Construction of the smart motorway schemes is scheduled to start in spring 2014.

Anyone wanting to know more about the improvements should visit the project’s website or call the Highways Agency’s information line on 0300 123 5000.



It will be interesting to see the results of the government’s consultation on the proposed smart motorway scheme. Reducing congestion and pollution is something we would all support, but compromising safety by removing the sanctuary of the hard shoulder and lowering the speed differential between restricted HGVs and cars to a mere 4 mph seems too high a price to pay. The lower speed limit would, of course, have no effect on the pollution caused by HGVs and it is hard to see how a reliable system to warn drivers of broken-down vehicles would work, especially in view of the often inaccurate and misleading information displayed on the current motorway message screens. Perhaps the boffins have a plan.

Image: The proposed limit would mean only a 4mph difference between car and HGB maximum speeds.