New scheme to endorse excellent Driver CPC training

Jul 23 | 2014

Skills for Logistics is creating an endorsement for Driver CPC training providers to be operational this summer. It is calling on training providers and employers to get in touch to help develop the system, which will ‘sharpen-up’ Driver CPC and make it more relevant to employers.

While JAUPT has the role of ensuring Driver CPC regulations are met, being legal doesn’t necessarily mean that a training provider is ‘excellent’. To address this, Skills for Logistics (SfL) is developing the endorsement standard. SfL says that excellent training providers can expect to come through the standard showing their quality. The set of criteria for the assessment, which is currently being planned, will be based on high quality training and business benefit.


SfL will maintain a live database of all endorsed training providers and of those who have had their endorsement removed by falling below the standard. A crucial part of the process will be a programme of unannounced audits and ‘secret trainees’ to ensure the standard is maintained during the 3-5 year period between assessments.


Training providers can use the endorsement ‘kite mark’ in their marketing. It will be a market sign informing employers where to find good Driver CPC training and will give the opportunity to benchmark training providers. Looking ahead, the scheme could be deployed on an EU-wide basis enhanced, for example, with language skills to make it relevant for UK drivers.


Dr Ross Moloney, CEO of Skills for Logistics, said: “This will not be a mandatory scheme but we know there are many training providers who would like to compete on quality, and that there are employers and individuals who want visibility of the standard of DCPC they are receiving or employing. We expect a significant number of the 1400 approved DCPC training centres to engage with the process, to see how they measure up against others, and to gain the opportunity to examine how to improve their service, in addition to marketing their quality. While JAUPT recognises you as being legal, Skills for Logistics will endorse you as being excellent.”


Skills for Logistics would like to hear from Driver CPC training providers who wish to be in first tranche to go through the assessment and would also like to hear from employers who want to help develop the standard. Please contact:


Photo: Dr. Ross Moloney - Skills for Logistics CEO