According to research conducted by Towergate Health & Protection, a weighty 91% of companies still have employees currently hybrid working. Importantly, almost all companies have tried to encourage them to return to the office, with little success.
The research reveals that only 9% of employers currently have no hybrid workers. On average, 39% of the workforce are hybrid working and 27% of employers have more than half their workforce hybrid working.
Delving into more detail, the research goes on to show that 30% of employees work from home for at least three days a week. Employers stated that 31 - 40-year-olds are the age group most likely to want to work from home, and over 60s and under 25s are least likely to want to work from home.
It would appear, however, that employers are keen for their employees to return to the office, with 98% having implemented a measure to persuade their employees back to the workplace. Inducements to return include: more on-site socials, free drinks and meals, in-person counselling, gym access, and subsidised commuting costs. 37% of companies have made some office days mandatory.
Debra Clark, Head of Wellbeing for Towergate Health & Protection commented: “Many employers are still offering some level of flexibility over work locations and the drive for a return to the office has mostly been on a voluntary basis. The important thing is ensuring that the employer is still able to engage with their employees, regardless of the work setting. Employee benefits and support will need to remain flexible and adaptable to both scenarios.”
For the moving industry, the ongoing trend towards remote working is unlikely to be good news for business. That said, the opportunity to recruit talent from a much wider catchment area, when good people are hard to find, is a significant compensation.
Photo: Debra Clark.