Business as usual in China

Oct 05 | 2021

Steve Jordan talks to Asian Tigers’ Country Manager for Mainland China about the relocation industry, some of the challenges, and why it’s business as usual despite what others might think.

Jason WillPerception is everything.  What people believe to be true, is rarely accurate and never that simple.  But China has not been getting a good press of late.  Being the alleged source of the virus that has crippled the world, has not been helpful for the perception of the country.  Neither has the recent issues in Hong Kong or the seemingly continuous cries of human rights abuses.

“Some employers in Shanghai have said that Europeans are reluctant to work in China,” said Jason. “They are happy to go to Thailand, Hong Kong or Singapore, but not China. They are concerned about being monitored by the government and the lack of privacy. There are some negative perceptions about living here.”

But Jason explained that, for expats it really isn't like that. “Most expats living and working in China don't feel any invasion of privacy,” he said, “and the Chinese people are happy with their situation and their leadership.” ...

Photo: Jason Will, Asian Tigers China.

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