Steve Jordan looks at a service that might help private movers sell their homes more quickly and get the moving process started.
If you are in the private moving business, there is a constant problem. Your customers want to move, but they have yet to sell their houses. You can’t move them until they do. In recent years this has been less of a problem as the UK property market has favoured the seller. But it has not always been that way, and the times when the buyer is in control again will not be far away.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could do something to help your customers sell their homes, securing their move and kick-starting their adventure at the same time? Well, it seems, you might be able to do so, courtesy of Sally Rule.
Sally is a property consultant in the UK. She does two things: helps people moving into the UK to find the right house for them; and works with house sellers to make their homes look as attractive as possible to a potential buyer.
It’s this second part of the service that could help movers. By working with home owners, Sally can help them sell their houses faster and, maybe, even get a better price. She calls it ‘Plan. Prepare. Present.’. “You can't just put your house on the market, there's a process to go through,” Sally explained. “If I can get them early enough, I can help people get their houses in the best shape to sell, obtain a better price and move more quickly.”
There is another aspect to this. Sally provides add-on value to any moving company’s services. Every mover thinks they do exactly the same job as every other (even though they all say they do it better!). But by helping your customers solve what, for many, is one of the biggest problems they have in the moving process, domestic or international, you can easily set yourself apart from the rest and give yourself a much better chance of securing the move at the price you want. That might even be true whether or not your customer works with Sally; just the offer of help might be enough to give you a differential ...
Photo: Sally Rule.