Three years had passed since the last PAIMA conference (Pan American International Movers Association). For an organisation that focusses so much on the close relationships between its members, that was a painful separation.
But, on 29 October, about a month later that usual, the PAIMA team all got back together for three days of business, chat, awards, and industry-related presentations at the Hyatt Hotel in Atlanta, immediately before the start of the IAM convention.
PAIMA is not normally big on external speakers, workshops and seminars. The annual conference is treasured as an opportunity for members to get together, enjoy each-other’s company, and indulge in a little self-congratulation through its tonnage and environmental awards. It’s also an opportunity for new members to have their moment in the limelight and introduce themselves properly.
The programme included a golf tournament at the Sugar Creek Golf Club which, though blighted by poor weather, was enjoyed by those who took part; an enjoyable evening at the Putt Shack, an ingenious venue where competitors play a high-tech form of crazy golf while enjoying excellent food and drink; and a last-night party at the Max Lager brewery, just across the street from the Hyatt Hotel, a place where a good night out was almost inevitable.
The business sessions, hosted by President Lars Lemche and Executive Director Antonio Tremols, mainly focussed on internal matters. They included the presentation of tonnage awards to those companies that had contributed the most tonnage through the network; the presentation of the Juan Peralta Ecology Award to Aires in the USA, (not for the first time); and the awarding of new member certificates to what appeared to be a constant stream of new blood that had joined the organisation since 2019. With all those new members PAIMA must have been doing a few things right ...
Photo: Attendees at the PAIMA conference 2022.