A better understanding ​

Dec 12 | 2024

You all know that The Mover is not a political publication. Politics is, usually, a topic from which I stay well away. And, I would argue, despite our cover story this month, we have maintained our neutral position.

Steve Jordan

It’s not for me to take sides.  I just tell the stories that I see, and that my limited resources will allow me to research.  But this month, I just couldn’t allow these pages to stay silent on the war in Gaza any more.

The story on page 26 is an interview with Shai Rahat, from Sonigo in Israel.  Many of you will know him.  I contacted him before the conference in IAM in the hope that we could meet there.  I was very grateful that he agreed to talk to me and thank him for being so candid. 

The thing is, before I even met Shai, while walking through the hotel I bumped into Eran Drenger from Ocean Group. He was keen to make sure his voice was heard on this very tricky topic and, although I didn’t have the chance to interview him there, he did provide his thoughts on page 28.  Thank you Eran.

Doesn’t it just show, that when the going gets really tough, people want to talk.  Shying away from the difficult subjects, ignoring the elephant in the room, is never a good idea.

As I said in the story, I am acutely aware that my piece is one-sided.  There are at least two sides to every story and, in this case, probably many more.  I did try to get a different view, for balance, but was unable to get a response from any of the companies I asked.  If, after reading, you would like to offer your perspective, I would be very happy to hear from you.

The reports from the attack on Israel in October 2022 were horrific. I am sure, if we could see reports from inside Gaza now, they would be awful as well.  That’s why I chose to title the piece ‘This must stop’.  The same is true elsewhere: Ukraine, Sudan, Yemen ….  I know that my story won’t change anything.  But when we all work in such a multinational, multicultural industry, I think it’s important that we all understand, as best we can, the pressures we all face that affect the service we can provide.  That is all I expect my story to do.