Educating customers on long-distance moving

Jun 06 | 2024

Larry Kruger, from Customized Moving in Ottawa, Canada, and a frequent contributor to The Mover magazine, has launched his first book entitled: Relocating: A Handbook for Moving Long Distance.

Relocating - A Handbook for Moving Long DistanceThe book is currently available from Amazon in paperback for $12.84 or on Kindle price $3.30.

The book is aimed at consumers, including corporate assignees with lump sum financial assistance and private consumers.  Larry said that, in practice, a lump sum move is the same as a private move: “Consumers should know what they are buying.”

Through the book, Larry walks the reader through the entire process from the early stages of deciding to move a long-distance, right through to settling into their new home. Larry uses his industry knowledge to explain the process, provide a system to compare and select services, and an easy-to-use to-do list which, together, he believes can save consumers thousands of dollars. It’s jargon free and sprinkled with some front porch philosophy to turn what is a very stressful situation into a step-by-step process that can be used to set goals and develop good positive habits.

Photo:  Relocating: A Handbook for Moving Long Distance.