New Website Conversion Tools from TriGlobal

Nov 17 | 2021

A new set of proven website tools from TriGlobal are now available to the whole moving industry to help movers improve customer interaction on their own websites, ultimately increasing the likelihood that they’ll be asked for a quote.

Brielle JonesThese tools are the product of TriGlobal’s 17 years of experience as a lead generator. Hundreds of thousands of online customers interact with one of TriGlobal’s websites every year.  This allows the company, through data analysis, to get vast insight into customer behaviour. Using this information, TriGlobal has refined and optimised three website tools that are designed to support a seamless online customer experience and add value to a moving website. According to TriGlobal, the better a customer experiences a website, the more likely they are to interact, which increases the chance they become firm business.

The toolbox includes 3 tools:
1. Enquiry Form – customers request a moving-quote
2. Volume Calculator – customers calculate their move-volume
3. Quick Quote Estimator – customers get an approximate costing for their move

Brielle Jones from TriGlobal acknowledged that many moving companies have enquiry forms and even volume calculators already on their websites. “But most are designed from the mover’s perspective, not the customer’s,” she said. “Often, these features are complicated and not built for ease of use for the customer. All these factors contribute to losing a customer from your website. If we can make an enquiry form easier to use, or, build a volume calculator that also works on a mobile phone, we’re essentially improving a customer’s experience, which increases the chance that they’ll press that quote button and contact the moving company for more information.”

TriGlobal believes that it is this understanding of how people use websites and complete forms, that make their Conversion Tools so special. “These tools are our secret recipe if you will. They are what makes us so effective as a lead generator because we’ve spent the last two decades mastering their design and content, based on mass customer data feedback. As a lead generator, it is our job to understand the customer’s intentions and how they behave, then to translate that into valuable prospects for movers. By using our tools, movers can now immediately change their own websites and improve the way a potential customer interacts with them.”

The TriGlobal system also has another new feature, a pricing estimator that appears only if the move volume is known. “One thing we know is that movers need an accurate volume to provide an accurate price,” continued Brielle. “We also know that customers want a price. That’s why we’ve combined this functionality as it satisfies both needs.” According to Brielle, once this (optional) function is activated, the quality of each lead increases as it filters out ‘shoppers’. The customers who are prepared to pay the estimated price are consequently the ones then asking for the quote.  

As the company continually learns more about the ways in which customers interact with websites, so are its Website Conversion Tools being updated automatically. “Most movers don’t update their forms from one year to the next,” explained Brielle.  “We monitor the latest consumer trends and adapt our technology accordingly. As soon as any tool is updated, you’ll have access to it.”

The tools are provided ready-optimised for use on any device, including tablets and smartphones. Brielle explained that around 60% of users access websites using phones these days, so it’s important that both the site itself and the tools are easy to use on all devices.

The company currently charges €400/year (€50/month) for access to the system, which can be added easily to any functioning website and integrated with most CRM systems.

Photo:  Brielle Jones