
  • Dissent over new US military rates

    Nov 02, 2023
    The new rates for the US Global Household Goods Contract, starting in 2024, have been released. The industry is not happy.
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  • Starting anew

    Nov 02, 2023
    Steve Jordan interviews Jeremy Chandar as his new move management company aims to carve a niche in a competitive world.
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  • What’s on at the M&S Show 2023

    Nov 02, 2023
    Richard Pegler, organiser of The Movers and Storers Show, explains why attending the show this year is a must for movers everywhere.
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  • Returning to sail

    Nov 02, 2023
    Steve Jordan has been a sailor all his life. So, when he heard about a project to build a new breed of sailing cargo ship, the temptation to find out more was irresistible.
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  • Moving back to Blighty

    Nov 02, 2023
    A tale of Brexit frustration, by Val Prinsep, Chairman of Worldwide Movers Africa Group.
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  • 30 days net

    Nov 02, 2023
    Steve Jordan looks at the delicate topic of getting paid as the difficulty of doing so appears to increase throughout the industry.
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  • Reimagining moving

    Nov 02, 2023
    Larry Kruger from Customized Moving offers an alternative plan to break moving away from the commodity it has become.
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  • Tony Allen: And finally... Age concern ​

    Oct 11, 2023
    Life is an age related condition! Who said that? No idea but it might have been me.
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  • How SEO builds trust and credibility for a moving company

    Oct 09, 2023
    Ben Schmitz from Making Moves Marketing shows how to leverage SEO to build trust signals, generate credibility, and multiply a moving company’s profit margins.
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  • The wellbeing of overseas employees

    Oct 03, 2023
    Wellbeing issues severely or significantly compromise the ability to function at work for over a quarter (26.4%) of overseas employees with wellbeing concerns, according to data released recently by Towergate Health & Protection.
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  • The FEDESSA Conference & Trade Show 2023

    Oct 03, 2023
    From 24 – 26 October the SSA UK and FEDESSA will host the biggest self storage event outside the USA, in Rotterdam.
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  • A French perspective

    Oct 03, 2023
    An interview with Nicki French of Grace in Australia as she settles into her new role as director - Moving Services.
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  • The Movers & Storers Show 2023

    Oct 03, 2023
    Steve Jordan explains why he thinks you should go along to The Movers & Storers Show this year.
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  • Disrupting the mobility industry

    Oct 03, 2023
    Steve Jordan talks to Beth Neilson and Michelle Curran, Head of Marketing, for Benivo, to find out more about its new approach to corporate mobility. Is this the disruption the industry has been fearing/hoping for?
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  • Changing the image of moving

    Oct 03, 2023
    The Alan F. Wohlstetter Scholarship Fund in the USA (AFWSF), the organisation that provides scholarship funding to students to encourage their participation in the moving industry, has recently announced a change in strategy to make it more effective in its long term aims.
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  • The ART of training

    Oct 03, 2023
    An interview with Angus Russell as he embarks on a new career as a full-time trainer for the moving industry in the UK and abroad.
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  • How to combat increased cyber threats from AI

    Sep 20, 2023
    Virtual Private Network (VPN) service provider, NordVPN, looks at how companies and individuals can guard against AI-powered cybercrime.
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  • Tony Allen: And finally... Such is life

    Sep 18, 2023
    Barry (aka Baz) is my oldest friend. I’ve known him since my first day at senior school when we were thrown together as two insecure individuals entering into a new and more grown up world. Fellow spirits really, I suppose. ​
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  • AI the mobility company's best friend

    Sep 13, 2023
    José Luis Tabuenca Rivero, Head of Marketing and Sales at SIT Spain, offers an insight into what AI can do to help mobility companies gain a marketing edge.
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  • The view from the FIDI chair

    Sep 07, 2023
    Derek Duffy from Armstrong Moving in Toronto is the current president of FIDI. Steve Jordan caught up with him for a chat about his career and some of the challenges the industry faces in a changing world.
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